The Press Association reports the sad news:
Former Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy and his wife Sarah are to separate. A statement issued by the couple’s respective lawyers said it was “with great sadness” that they had decided to split.
“In doing so amicably, our ongoing and overriding priority will obviously remain our son,” it went on. “We wish this to remain an entirely private family matter.”
Mr Kennedy married Sarah Gurling in 2002 and their son, Donald, was born during the 2005 general election campaign while he was still party leader.
So very sad for them.
Very very sad news indeed.
So sad.
So very sad.
Another MP whose marriage goes under the stress!
I’m not a lib dem but i am very sorry to hear this,i admired charles’ stance during the whole iraq disaster,he stood up against the weight of the media and said no,he stuck to his word so for that i will ever be truly gratefull.
Neither am I a Lib Dem but I have always had enormous admiration for Charles. A very fine man. I am sorry to hear this.
Perhaps in addition to expressing regret and sadness some thought should be given as to how party politics can be reorganised so that politicians get support from their colleagues and parties to help them handle such problems. All of the parties have had similar problems from time to time – but I don’t see much that the LibDems or others has done to prevent a reoccurrence, and indeed some of those who didn’t demonstrate much in the way of sensitivity when Charles Kennedy was having his problems don’t seem to be doing too badly nowadays (they know who they are).
I’m afraid hand wringing and sympathy will do little to address the real problem here.