LDV readers with long memories will know that ten years ago a group of us published The Green Book – New Directions for Liberals in Government. We were urging the LibDems to adopt an approach to social and economic policy that put centre stage the need to preserve the natural world on which society and economy depends for its health, wellbeing and prosperity.
We’re back – and this time with a podcast series where external experts and party insiders explore the major challenges now facing the UK. Future sessions on Green Book Pod will tackle climate change and then Europe, with more hot topics next year. Our first, launching our series later this month, focuses on the economic challenge.
Here’s a short trailer about the series and announcing our guests for the economics podcast:
Of course, since we published the original book a decade ago, the political context has changed radically … Britain’s exit from the European Union, the rise of populist and polarising forces here and elsewhere, the accelerating climate crisis, growing inequality, and much else.
Our belief remains, however, that there is a massive opportunity for the Liberal Democrats to set out an agenda for making a real difference – but only by identifying innovative, radical and robust solutions with realistic strategies to deliver them. Our hope is this podcast series will help inform the party’s manifesto process too.
Green Book Pod is hosted on LibDem Podcast, and so will air on all the major platforms. For more on the original Green Book, see here.
* Mike Tuffrey is a member of the Green Book team and is a former a council leader, London Assembly member and policy working group chair.