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I like Lib Dem Voice. I can’t say I agree with all of it, but then I’m not supposed to.
As to content – here’s one. The questions of generational equality and the debate about whether the so-called boomer generation has been cosseted by the state and passed the bill on.
I raise this because I have just finished reading The Pinch by David Willets. It is long on analysis and short on meaningful conclusions, but interesting. Some Labour figures, certainly John Denham have engaged with this too. In both the main parties this has been quite divisive.
The Lib Dems don’t seem to have engaged on this question, and that is something of a disappointment. That it might be divisive is no reason not to engage. There is a gap to fill right there.
But just one other plea. Please can you not turn Lib Dem Voice into an, ‘oh look – it’s a council being silly,’ type site. We get far, far too much of that from dumbed-down local rags. I’d hope that LDV can surely aim higher than that.
I have a suggestion for an article. And I can think of no one better to write it, than Iain Roberts. The article would be about Stockileaks and the disarray surrounding Stockport council. How many Stockport LibDems have resigned lately? Come on Iain, give us the insiders account.
Might be worth taking stock about the balance of articles and perhaps a bit more of steer to contributors is needed. The problem at the moment is that the site is getting locked into a cycle of articles supporting Govt policy almost irrespective of LD policy and this then triggers an inevitably hostile reaction in the comments. It has also become increasingly tribal and the responsibility for this is often with the initiating article.