Jo Swinson: Arms sales to Saudi Arabia must be suspended immediately

Today the Campaign Against the Arms Trade won its legal challenge to the Conservative Government’s decision to sell arms to Saudi Arabia.

Jo Swinson called on the Government to suspend arms sales immediately.

Saudi Arabia is an enemy of British values, including human rights and the rule of law. Their repeated violation and disregard for human rights should have ruled them out as an arms trading partner long ago.

Instead the Conservative government have continued to export arms and equipment to this brutal regime. The situation is inexcusable and cannot continue.

This court ruling is monumental.

It is now clear for all to see: the UK arms sales to the Saudi regime are unlawful. The Liberal Democrats are clear that the only acceptable course of action by the Tory Government is to suspend them immediately, rather than continuing to allow arm sales to a country which is targeting innocent civilians.

Liberal Democrat party policy calls on the UK government to suspend UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia in response to their consistent targeting of civilians, in breach of International Humanitarian Law, in Yemen.

Liam Fox has since announced that the sales will stop.

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  • David Becket 20th Jun '19 - 8:13pm

    I trust this has gon out to all national and major local media

  • Quite right.

  • Lorenzo Cherin 21st Jun '19 - 12:28am


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