LDV: one year old today

It’s 12 months to the day since site creator, Rob Fenwick, uttered the immortal words: “Hi and welcome to Liberal Democrat Voice.” Since when LDV has gone from strength to strength, quickly establishing itself as the leading independent website for Lib Dem members and activists.

To commemorate the occasion, Rob has kindly sent us an electronic telegram (or “e-mail”, as he insists on terming it):

“My decision to create Liberal Democrat Voice arose (as decisions involving my giving time or money to the party usually do) out of a phone conversation with Mark Pack. I was stuck at Clapham Junction waiting for a badly delayed train home and, let’s be frank, he took advantage of a vulnerable commuter who’d simply phoned up because he was bored.

“I was also in possession of a hot tip – in Iain Dale’s language, an “EXCLUSIVE.” Simon Hughes was certain to be challenged for the Liberal Democrat presidency. My source was unimpeachable. I was good to go.

“Boredom and an extremely dodgy tip-off are perhaps not the most inspired foundations on which to build a website such as this, but I’m glad I did it, and even more glad that it is now in the hands of a first-rate team who are taking it further than I ever could. The message boards are more active, the site is more interesting. It feels now as if you – the community – own it. I hope there can be little doubt that it is a permanent fixture on the Liberal Democrat landscape.

“Most of all I’m glad that the users of Liberal Democrat Voice have a place independent of the party to air their views – be they a humble deliverer, or a member of our shadow cabinet.

“A very happy birthday, Lib Dem Voice! Now please, stop giving Mark Pack my phone number.”

The current management thanks Rob for what he began, as well as all those who have contributed along the way – whether by writing articles, comments, posts in the members’ forum, or simply for dropping by to read what’s here – and looks forward to another year of intelligent debate written by, and for, you, our Lib Dem readership.

Remember this site is here for you. If you’d like to contribute, do please get in touch.

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