IW Lib Dems reveal key priorities for 2017 council electionshttps://t.co/hOkjvjUMLH#IsleofWight @IOWLiberals pic.twitter.com/47lGSaENyj
— OnTheWight: Isle of Wight News (@onthewight) January 24, 2017
The Isle of Wight County Press reports:
A FRESH face will be taking the reigns in the Isle of Wight Liberal Democrats’ fight for parliament on June 8.
Nicholas Belfitt, 24, of Shanklin, was selected as the parliamentary candidate at a local party meeting today Saturday.
Mr Belfitt is the youngest parliamentary candidate on the Island but was Isle of Wight Lib Dem vice chair for two years, before being elected as party chair last autumn.
He said: “I am deeply honoured on being selected for a chance to represent my home, but now the real work begins.
“This is now the time for the Island to be offered a true voice in Parliament, one that will finally fight tooth and nail for our Island.
“I am going to take Island issues straight to the heart of government. People are tired of the established groups, they need know this isn’t a re-run of 2015, but a time for real change.
You can read the full report here.
* Paul Walter is a Liberal Democrat activist and member of the Liberal Democrat Voice team. He blogs at Liberal Burblings.
A hearty welcome Nicholas as our standard bearer for the UK’s largest constituency, in terms of voter numbers, which has elected two Liberal/LibDem MPs in recent decades.
– From one of the older candidates.
Maybe Nicholas Belfitt’s chances of winning have improved following the decision of the Conservative MP Andrew Turner to stand down after his comments regarding being gay yesterday.