Opinion: Higher Education should be like the NHS, free at the point of use

Higher Education should be freely available to all, however in its current state it is not. Only those who are academically able can enter the current system of HE. We need more technical colleges and alternative further education institutions.

Tony Blair aimed to get 50% of people into university, by the end of Labour’s term they had achieved 45%, Lord Browne wants to go another 10% further. These are admirable aims. Admirable, but in my opinion wrong. We should aim to have much more of the population complete some type of higher education, but it should not necessarily be in academic institutions. Lord Browne’s report dealt with the system as it currently exists, but did not look to fundamentally change our system of HE, if he did he may have had the ability to come up with more inventive measures to remedy the funding problem existing in HE at the moment.

One of the main problems with fees, whether paid for by a loan or not, is that it is essentially a regressive tax. Yes it is still a tax, by whatever name it is given. The reason it is regressive, even if only those earning over £21k pay is that the people with the means to will be able to pay off their loans quicker. So for the same income, they will have a higher disposable income. Therefore the richest will have a head start. Apart from this ability to pay off the fee earlier there is little difference between a graduate tax and the loan – especially now that the fees are not being asked for upfront.

On Saturday Vince Cable sent an email giving 3 reasons why a Graduate Tax would be unfair.

His second reason about foreign students not paying Tax was ludicrous; they would be charged fees as they are at the moment. As in Scottish Universities where English students pay, but Scottish students do not.

The first reason was an interesting one, in essence he is saying that people may pay more than they cost, or in loan parlance more than they “borrowed”. I think it is time to start seeing education like the NHS, very few people would say that it is unfair that someone who is rich and lives a healthy lifestyle and never uses the NHS should pay so that the less vulnerable in this country can be protected. The difference is that currently less than half the population go on to a university. If everyone has the ability to go to higher education and was in fact encouraged to do so then it would be fair that everyone pays for HE through a progressive tax system (let’s call it income tax).

This is where I think the Browne report failed. It looked at HE as purely the academic university system, where it should have looked at the entire system of Higher Education, including more practical courses, apprenticeships and training schemes. This way it would be possible to charge for HE through income tax (not as a separate hypothecated Graduate Tax). The income tax system is progressive. It will not unfairly target those less able to pay.

The problem is, we don’t have the money to pay for the education system as it is and we don’t have the infrastructure to roll out a universal HE system because the Conservatives closed down the technical colleges and polytechnics and Labour concentrated on building purely the university sector. Keynesian economics would have us spending to get out of the recession, exactly on things such as education and training, but Labour turned Keynesian economics on its head and spent when times were good so there is no money to build a universal HE system.

I would have liked to have seen Lord Browne’s proposal have an interim solution, the one which is the minimal spending solution, but still achieves the goals of making HE freely available to all at the point of use. But this should be coupled with the long term suggestion of where the HE sector should be going.

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  • Very good post, I can not agree more.

  • oh, hang on a minute, wasn’t that the phrase that Nick Clegg used yesterday morning on the BBC regarding the Browne report? ‘Free at the point of use’ …… just charge the earth afterwards.
    I sincerely hope Clegg doesn’t start to believe that The NHS should be like HE with his version of ‘free at the point of use’ .

  • Colin Green 13th Oct '10 - 5:25pm

    I agree that HE should be paid for out of general taxation in the same way as A levels or GCSEs. I understand the difficulties we are having with the economy at the moment but I don’t believe the problems are so big that we have to cut university funding so drastically. If they way student loans are paid, fine. The method proposed does sound better. Despite this, our MPs have pledged to vote against a rise in fees and they should do this.

  • “the Conservatives closed down the technical colleges and polytechnics”

    Actually the Conservatives didn’t close down Polytechnics they offered them all the opportunity to become Universities instead which they did. Not disimilar to how most of them bacame Polytechnics from FE colleges before that.

  • So how much would taxes have to go up for those who are on low incomes who aren’t `academically gifted`?

  • Norfolk Boy 13th Oct '10 - 5:50pm

    It should be like the NHS – paid for out of direct taxation.

    Cut the number of courses that are not worthy of a degree – about half I should imagine and there should be little problem meeting the cost.

    The people no longer on these removed courses could enter the workforce for vocational training etc – er, just like they used to.

    Come to think of it, how did we manage to have to all intents and purposes full employment, high rates of income tax, good pensions, stability in our lives and strong unions in the past? And we’ve had an ‘economic miracle’ since then. Mmmm,,,, what gives? Did I miss ameeting somewhere along the line?

  • @Norfolk Boy
    Come to think of it, how did we manage to have to all intents and purposes full employment, high rates of income tax, good pensions, stability in our lives and strong unions in the past? And we’ve had an ‘economic miracle’ since then. Mmmm,,,, what gives? Did I miss ameeting somewhere along the line?

    Yes the meeting was called the ‘1980s’ it was chaired by MRS M Thatcher I believe. 🙂

  • Come to think of it, how did we manage to have to all intents and purposes full employment, high rates of income tax, good pensions, stability in our lives and strong unions in the past? And we’ve had an ‘economic miracle’ since then. Mmmm,,,, what gives? Did I miss ameeting somewhere along the line?

    Less people then, less easy credit, lower house prices, very few pressures on our economy from overseas (ie China), no internet so people didn’t question authority as much.

  • @Norfolk Boy: We also had stagflation, rampant strikes, the three day week, over a million unemployed despite government policies aimed at full employment, a massive trade deficit, a rising national debt, inflation at 20% at points, and to top it all off we had to go cap in hand to the IMF because we’d run out of money.

    As for the article, it makes a reasonable point. More needs to be done to allow those whose talents are not academic to progress and learn, particularly in the field of apprenticeships. I’m not sure that free at the point of use is the right answer, though. Would we be paying back graduates who have already paid back their loans, for example?

  • No, they are not. Under the current system of zero real interest then the lower your income the longer your pay back time and the higher the real subsidy.

    But the government wants to change that to an interest rate which will make a profit. Browne himself claimed that zero interst rates were unsustainable if they wanted to cut HE spending due to the deficit, as you would be effectively be giving most people a grant which they will be paying back much later in life. He suggested a 3% interest rate.

    That would mena that those who pay off the loan qucikest will have to pay less… due to interest, whilst those who cannot pay off the loan for a long time could see them paying far more than, perhaps double, the cost of their course.

  • I really like the idea of treating further education, apprenticeships, vocational courses and HE as one group of post-school education which should be treated in the same way in terms of funding. I think that is a good solution to the real issue of asking non-graduates to fork out tax for higher education, since everybody would have a chance to get access to the common post-school education pot.

    However, I fear that this would hardly be feasible. As it is, with top-up fees and all, the HE sector feels a bit like the NHS was back in the late 1990s, after years (decades?) of chronic underfunding.

    I just cannot see how we could find the money to make post-school education ‘free at the point of use’. I love the idea – but I would need to see a realistic long-term funding plan to agree with it as a realistic proposal.

  • Bolivia Newton-John 13th Oct '10 - 11:52pm

    The argument for “free” (cf. funded by taxpayers, most of whom are a) working class/poor/without children going to university and b) don’t seek the advice of philosophy graduates on a daily basis) higher education is that it would “benefit society if everyone were better educated”. May I posit that what would actually benefit society is if secondary education ACTUALLY worked, and ACTUALLY provided every child with a decent education (say it does if you like, but there are huge numbers of children leaving secondary school without the requisite levels of numeracy, literacy, and general educational standards.) Until this happens, I don’t understand why some people consider it morally defensible to throw money that nobody has at a huge-scale middle-class prestige project. I don’t pay tax yet, as I grew up under a profligate Labour government that lacked a basic handle on economics, but next year I hope to pay tax, and I don’t want it frittered away to fund people going to university because they can’t think of anything else to do.

    PS- to declare, I graduated from university with a philosophy degree three years ago, so I have seen first hand, and contributed to, the craven misuse of public money that currently passes for a “university experience”.

  • Terry Gilbert 14th Oct '10 - 6:21am

    Where is your evidence that ‘huge numbers’ are leaving school poorly educated? I would posit that social problems are the reason for some children’s failure – it’s hard to do school work if your parents are looking for drugs or your caring for sick parents. My children are receiving a very good education from the state thanks. People should believe the evidence of their own eyes, not propaganda put about by those who wish us to pay (regressively) for everything, so they can pay less tax on the city bonuses.

  • So, what are we doing here:

    1. restricting the opportunity for people to get a university education (at a time when the rest of the world is increasing it)

    2. screwing down supply normally leads to an increase in price but, no, we also want to provide a big fat subsidy (paid for by those denied the opportunity to go to university) to the remaining cohort of middle class kids whose parents can afford to send them to the best schools so they get the right grades.

    3. locking kids from poorer backgrounds into ‘vocational courses’ presumably allocated by government on the basis of the supposed current needs of the economy, thereby saddling those people with qualifications that become worse than worthless as they get older and the demands of the economy change.

    Tell you what, why dont we bring back grammar schools too. That should fix it.

  • George W. Potter 14th Oct '10 - 10:44am

    Simple solution: scrap trident and spend the money on a thorough reform of higher education (to make it truly free at the point of use) and invest more in science and green technology. I know it’s politically impossible at the moment but if the government had the necessary courage, that is exactly what they should do.

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