Opinion: Lobbying, campaigning and pressure groups – a need for transparency

These three words conjure a variety of connotations, more often than not, negative ones. Taken together the mix is considered to be a cloak and dagger approach to getting deals done and policies made.

It’s no secret that many people are disillusioned with the way our political process works. Politics isn’t about decisions made behind closed doors, but must be an open and interactive dialogue. I want to make sure constituents have the opportunity to engage in the issues that matter most to them. Politics should be an inclusive process that encourages public participation.

That’s why I have decided to publish my conference schedule.

We’re asking people to trust us, so they have the right to know what their public figures are up to, and must be able to hold their representatives to account.

This is my first conference as a Parliamentary candidate and I’ve been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of meeting requests I’ve received from commercial lobbyists, charity campaigners and pressure groups all pushing particular agendas.

I’ve accepted those meetings I believe will be of direct interest to the community I hope to represent. In addition I will be asking constituents to actively feed into the process by sending me their thoughts on the issues that affect them.

The more people are involved, the more we can ensure that their voices are heard. This way, they can be confident that working together to take on the challenges our communities face is an inclusive, collaborative effort.

Going forward, I will regularly publish my agendas and meetings, so people can have a direct say and aren’t left to wonder whether or not their best interest is at heart – they’ll know.

* Ibrahim Taguri is the Liberal Democrat PPC for Brent Central

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  • Transparency in all aspect of who control us MPS/Parliament/Government/Councils/Police/Security Services FAR FAR to much secrecy and cover up / corruption So FIX it less waffle Action we want

  • R Uduwerage-Perera 26th Sep '14 - 9:45am

    Sadly I cannot due to the commencement of term attend Conference, but I wish to say that Ibrahim is a member of a small but inspirational group of new people in our Party who if given the appropriate support has the potential to positively influence communities to see our Party as a genuine alternative.

    Ibrahim’s approach is seen for what it is, genuine and refreshing.

    Ruwan Uduwerage-Perera

    Liberal Democrat English Party Diversity Champion
    Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrat (EMLD) – Vice Chair

  • Jayne Mansfield 26th Sep '14 - 10:40am

    @ Ibrahim Taguri,
    Beware burnout. Don’t push yourself too hard.
    Good luck.

  • @ Ibrahim Taguri,
    A good clear message (and agenda), kindly do LDV a favour and give us some feedback on how it goes.

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