Author Archives: Ibrahim Taguri

Opinion: MPs’ pay rises

The country is going through a painful and difficult adjustment as we seek to rebalance our economy.

For politicians to make the case about being underpaid is inappropriate given the sacrifices being asked of the British public and its work force.

Let’s not forget it is because of the actions of the last Labour government that the country is in the state it finds itself in. How anyone can therefore justify that politicians should be entitled to a larger salary is beyond me. Regardless of whether they caused the crash or are fixing the mess, it is outrageous to think they should be awarded a hefty pay rise at this time.

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Opinion: Lobbying, campaigning and pressure groups – a need for transparency

These three words conjure a variety of connotations, more often than not, negative ones. Taken together the mix is considered to be a cloak and dagger approach to getting deals done and policies made.

It’s no secret that many people are disillusioned with the way our political process works. Politics isn’t about decisions made behind closed doors, but must be an open and interactive dialogue. I want to make sure constituents have the opportunity to engage in the issues that matter most to them. Politics should be an inclusive process that encourages public participation.

That’s why I have decided to publish my conference schedule.

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Life on the Campaign Trail #1: Ibrahim Taguri, Brent Central

Liberal Democrat posters - Some rights reserved by Brett PattersonLiberal Democrat Voice has asked key Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidates to give us an insight into what they’re doing in their areas and what they want to do for their communities. Ibrahim Taguri, PPC for Brent Central kicks the series off by saying that he would dedicate his first term to eradicating child poverty by 2020. Read on to find out why this is so important to him. 

Being a parliamentary candidate is a huge privilege. Especially for my home town of Brent. Having …

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