Stephen Lloyd returns to the fold

Stephen Lloyd MP has announced that he will be campaigning in the General Election in Eastbourne as a Liberal Democrat, fighting to stop Brexit.

Stephen was first elected as the Lib Dem MP for Eastbourne in 2010. He narrowly lost his seat in 2015 but regained it in the snap election in 2017.

The background to this announcement is that Stephen Lloyd voted Remain in the referendum, but Eastbourne largely voted Leave. In the 2017 election Stephen promised to honour the will of his constituents and to support Brexit in the Commons. About a year ago he resigned the party whip and has been sitting as an Independent while remaining a member of the party.

He has explained his position to his constituents in this video.

* Mary Reid is a contributing editor on Lib Dem Voice. She was a councillor in Kingston upon Thames, where she is still very active with the local party, and is the Hon President of Kingston Lib Dems.

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  • Richard Underhill. 1st Nov '19 - 4:43pm

    Canvassing for him in 2015 I found no-one who had of any other candidate,
    whereas everyone had heard of Stephen Lloyd. I thought he would win, so did he.
    A lot of new housing has been built.

  • Erm I’ll be nice for once and welcome him back. We can spend time fighting each other or time fighting the establishment, I suppose it is better to fight the established parties and the established media than fight Stephen Lloyd. I still think his previous position was deluded but I suppose we should welcome back someone who has seen the light.

  • David Becket 1st Nov '19 - 11:26pm

    I hope those who made adverse comments about Stephen will now recognise a politician of integrity. He deserves to hold Eastbourne

  • Gordon Lishman 2nd Nov '19 - 9:02am

    Yes; welcome back, Stephen. It has been a difficult time. You have been entirely right in keeping your word to your constituents and, of course, the Party has known the position throughout this time. Good luck in holding Eastbourne as a LibDem.

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