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Recent Comments
Jack Nicholls
I would accept the basic thrust of this argument but for one thing - the problematic creed you identify is not liberalism, though I agree it gets mislabelled as...nigel hunter
If we have to turn away from US protection those 2 aircraft carriers MUST be fully active as an umbrella for all of Europe.The effort to make them fully service...Christopher Haigh
@SimonR, quite agree with you. China is undemocratic and a massive polluter with its obsession with coal mining. Vince however, seems to be obsessed with tradin...Anthony Acton
Thank you Vince Cable for this. The Brexit debate was always about a strategic choice between Europe and the USA. We chose USA. What a disaster. Only the LDs h...Thelma Davies
Theakes; 'We're in the south to help and protect the Afghan people to reconstruct their economy and democracy. We would be perfectly happy to leave again in t...