Tag Archives: votematch

The Independent View: Harnessing the “BuzzFeed” effect to boost turnout in the Euro elections

Only 26% are certain to vote in the European elections, and 77% say they know less about the issues in a European election than a general election, according to the Hansard Society. At Unlock Democracy, we’ve been looking at new techniques to combat low turnout and the worrying lack of political knowledge about European institutions.

For the European elections, we worked with organisations from 14 countries across the EU to produce Vote Match Europe, an online quiz app which matches user to the parties that best represent their views in the European elections, based on the issues which they select as …

Posted in Op-eds and The Independent View | Also tagged | 13 Comments

Independent View: votes for prisoners

At the last general election, I voted for the first time, and gave it to Diana Johnson Labour MP for Hull North. When it came to the local election I voted for the Lib Dem candidate. Notwithstanding Dizzy Thinks posting this on the 1st of April, I just had to have a go at it: “For anyone confused about how they might vote at the General Election, Vote Match 2010 has now been launched. It’s pretty straight forward multiple choice survey that will match what you think against what the political parties have told Vote Match they think”. …

Posted in The Independent View | Also tagged , and | 78 Comments

Votematch is back: which party most closely matches your policy preferences?

Following its British debut in the London and then European elections, Votematch is now up and running for the 2010 general election. The idea is a simple one – you answer 30 questions about different policies (less in Scotland or Wales because of devolution) and the site then tells you how closely your answers match those of different parties.

It’s got quite a few nice touches which show how the team have learnt both from experiences elsewhere, particularly the phenomenally successfully version used by one in three voters in Holland, and from their past experience in Britain. For example, you …

Posted in General Election and Online politics | 16 Comments

Daily View 2×2:

Welcome to Daily View on this auspicious date, which in most Western cultures is considered a day of pranking and merriment. Of course we at LDV have no truck with such levity, and everything we write today is the honest truth.

Happy birthday to Gmail – 6 today!

2 Big Stories

Hadron Collider II planned for Circle Line

The Independent reports:

London Underground is in talks with the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (Cern) about the possibility of using the 23km tunnel of the Circle Line to house a new type of particle accelerator similar to the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva.

One immediate benefit for passengers will be air-conditioning, installed to cool the huge superconducting electromagnets needed. Win-win!

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Unlock Democracy with VOTE MATCH

I was at the Vote Match European Election launch held at Apple’s palatial showroom on Regents Street this past Monday, drawn by the special guest appearance of Stephen Fry. Appearing in a tuxedo and bow tie, he did not disappoint as he opened with an apology for the rest of us being under-dressed for the event.

What I hadn’t expected was to discover that the collective consciousness of the 200 or so guests in the audience, on answering the 30 specimen questions by democratic show of hands, managed to produce a Liberal Democrat voter!

Following the success of Vote Match London …

Posted in Europe / International | Also tagged and | 3 Comments

Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #63

With Mr Tall t’internet less and Mr Foster off in Greece, it’s my turn to complete this weeks Golden Dozen.

It’s the 63rd of our weekly round-ups from the Lib Dem blogosphere, featuring the seven most popular stories according to click-throughs from the Aggregator (27th April – 3rd May), together with a hand-picked quintet you might otherwise have missed.

Let’s get straight down to it, in descending order of popularity:

1. Peter Black: Tory compares Boris to Mussolini

2. Jo Anglezarke: Bumper mayoral blog round-up, she does it so I don’t have too.

3. Jennie Rigg: For Pity’s Sake, London Lib

Posted in Best of the blogs | 5 Comments

Recent Comments

  • Roland
    @ Nonconformistradical Agree it’s a conundrum. Basically, the plans and thus the houses were sold on the “vision” of all the facilities being in place, ...
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    ""they have repeatedly come up with development schemes which don’t satisfy the intent of the original plans and section 106 agreement, signed some 25+ years ...
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