Standing for the Bridge ward of Lewes Town Council, we have:
Just glorious.
Janet was the first BaME mayor of Lewes last year.
“Today you have made history in electing someone like me,” Councillor Baah told the Council after her election. “I feel very excited, honoured and grateful to live in a town where I am respected and whose councillors have elected me to serve all the people of Lewes.
“Mayoral duties can be difficult because you have to deal with issues concerning the law and individual freedom, but I look forward to supporting everybody’s democratic rights and fighting for the needs of the whole town,” She thanked councillors for supporting her in becoming Mayor.
Baah came to Britain in 2001. She obtained a master’s degree at Brighton University and is now completing a PhD at Sussex University. Her research involves a study of the education system in a slum in Accra, the capital of Ghana.
“Janet will be a great champion for Lewes, she has already made a big impact in Malling, where she is admired for her work in the local community,” said Lib Dem Group Leader on the Town Council, John Lamb. “She will do a great job as Mayor.”
Good luck to both of them.
Do you have a better combination of names?
Nothing sheepish about that duo then?
I married A. Woolley.
Hoping for a lambslide victory for both of them.
And no bleating if they lose. Hopefully not.
Ewe cannot be serious?
My sister lived in Seaford for many years, so it is an area I know quite well. Seaford elects ten councillors and it is usually the case that if you can win Seaford, which swings between Lib-Dems and Conservatives, you control Lewes District council. Norman Baker held the Lewes parliamentary seat from 1997 until 2015.
Libdem Councillor for Lewes Bridge Will Elliott is not standing again. Neither is Mike Chartier seeking re-election in Lewes Castle nor Alex Lambert in Seaford North.
I do hope that the local party can run a solid campaign against Conservatives in Seaford and not just against Greens in Lewes town – otherwise it may be a case of Lambs to the slaughter.
@Joseph Bourke
Come on, man, where’s your sense of humour? You appear to be a lost sheep in this thread. We all need to lighten up now and again, even Lib Dem’s!
John Marriott,
when it comes to against the grain comments, my motto is “you might as well be hanged for a sheep as well as a Lamb.”
That’s more like it, Joe. Welcome to the club. However, the Lib Dems do need to shepherd their resources, especially with the prospects of multiple elections in the near future. It won’t help if they just try to ram Brexit down the electorate’s throat.
Shouldn’t they be standing in Canterbury, rather than Lewes?
Canvassing in a Tory area for a by-election (Brexit North Staffs) the main message is disappointment with the national tory party. The big question is will they still turn out like sheep and vote Tory, stay at home in the barn, or, with the intelligence of a collie, change their vote.
Perhaps they should find a hospitable local baah for a consolaTory drink …
The LibDems have sometimes been accused of having woolly policies.
Surely this picture must appear on their leaflet –
I don’t baahlieve it!!
So some Lib Dems DO have a sense of humour, even some of the cerebral ones like Joe Bourke and David Becket!
These local elections will see whether the Lib Dem revival, at this level at least, continues. Over the past few years, the party, like Little Bo Peep, has lost a lot of its sheep. However, if you are familiar with the nursery rhyme, the answer is to ‘leave them alone’. They’ll ‘come home’, when they realise what’s on the other side!
Denis Loretto – I like to see her trying to deliver breech triplets in that garb!
Tip for insomniacs: count prospective Lib Dem councillors on Lewes Town Council…….
Much of the general discontent about politics and politicians is due to a feeling that no matter how anyone votes they still end up getting fleeced!
Joseph Bourke 1.41 pm yesterday.
We have a number of great candidates in Seaford, and they are running an energetic campaign. You can see who they are at – scroll down to below the Baah Lamb team.
Thanks for that, Rob. It looks like you have been able to get a strong team of candidates together. Good luck to Lewes Liberal Democrats in the coming elections.
@Joseph Bourke thank you 🙂
Presumably it is hoped that any electoral success of Ms Baah and Mr Lamb in Bridge ward will become a bellwether for future Liberal democrat successes.
Not in the same election, but in Liverpool in 1998 we elected a Lib Dem councillor called Tom Marshall, and won again the following year with Bill Deputy. Our slogan was “Vote for the Marshall and the Deputy, to chase away the cowboys.
Not quite as good, but in Waltham Forest we once had three candidates called McCormick, Butt and Black. Putting the names correctly in alphabetical order, that meant the posters said BLACK BUTT McCORMICK.