The grass in my garden is looking a bit distressed, and the oasis of a new centrist party is looking like a bit of a mirage. But life goes on, and so does Liberal Democrat Voice. So, what have we got for you today?
Ben Andrew kicks us off with some suggestions that would help the young amongst us. And yes, he does touch upon student finance, but his focus is on earlier years too.
We have news on proposals for Horizon Europe. “What’s that?”, I hear you ask. Well, it’s a major funding programme, supporting collaborative research and development across the European Union. And we’re about to become a so-called “third country”…
It’s always nice to hear from members of the Party’s policy working groups, and Tom Purvis has recently become a member of one. He writes for us on why he applied and what he hopes to achieve.
And finally, for now at least, Paul Reynolds continues his mini-series on reforming Party policy and philosophy. In an era of short-term tactics rather than long-term strategy, he may be swimming against the tide. I’d like to think not though.
* Mark Valladares is the Monday Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice. His thoughts now turn towards ice cream.