Who’s that with Gerald Vernon-Jackson?

The City of Portsmouth hosted world leaders for today’s D-Day commemoration.

Its Lib Dem Council Leader, Gerald Vernon-Jackson, captured the solemnity of the occasion.

But he found time to invoke the jealousy of 100,000 Lib Dem members by grabbing a selfie with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

And from another angle…



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  • Richard Underhill 6th Jun '19 - 7:58am

    Trudeau, son of Trudeau is very welcome.
    “September 10, 1939 the Parliament of Canada declared war against the German Reich, marking the beginning of Canada’s participation in the Second World War. The war officially began on September 1, 1939, with the German Invasion of Poland.”
    ‘The “Leader of the Free World” was a colloquialism, first used during the Cold War, to describe either the United States or, more commonly, the President of the United States.’ An honorary title, which would need to be deserved, after the Cold War ended.

  • Hilton Marlton 6th Jun '19 - 8:09am

    Thats brightened my day.

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