Bless Iain Dale. He’s worried that if Lib Dems don’t speak through Lib Dem Voice they have nothing to say. Here’s a hint, Iain: cast your eyes down the Lib Dem Blogs Aggregator, and you’ll see we party members have plenty to talk about. There have been (by my count) seventy-three – yes, count ’em, 73 – leadership blog postings since the result was announced just 10 hours ago.
But, ’tis true, unlike the Tory party we don’t rely on one lone mouthpiece, Tim Mongomerie, to give all Lib Dem activists a home in which to spout off: for the Lib Dem blogosphere speaks with many voices, not just one. It’s our curse – and, above all, our blessing. Thank you for pointing it out so clearly to your right-wing readership.
Stephen, we shouldn’t be interested in what Iain Dale says. I can think of 10,606 reasons why not to take him seriously.
Thankfully the Conservatives don’t really on one mouth piece either. Conservative Home, Iain Dale, Dizzy Thinks, James Cleverly, Daily Referendum, Donal Blaney, John Redwood MP….
Is the ellipsis following John Redwood’s name just a coincidence, or have you slumped across your keyboard in despair? 😉
Why is there a war between Lib Dem Voice and Ian Dale? It gives the site a very poor image!