It’s long been accepted that diversity in the Liberal Democrats is patchy at best.
Often our lack of diversity is compounded by a lack of understanding of what causes it, and how we work to make sure we better reflect society in an inclusive and meaningful way.
Diversity comes in many forms, and this often makes it difficult for us to develop strategies to expand our membership in a diverse manner.
In the Young Liberals we’re acutely aware of this issue and want to ensure that we are doing everything we can to help make us more accessible, understanding and mindful of people from diverse backgrounds.
In 2018 the Alderdice report delved into this issue and found that, on all levels of the party, racial diversity often fell so far down the priority list that it often got forgotten about completely.
The report’s findings, endorsed by Federal Board, placed a responsibility on the party, and all it’s constituent parts, to draw up a strategic response to it and its findings.
Indeed, the Federal Party has recently created a Vice President BAME role to help shape our interactions with the BAME community.
That is why we’re working with LDCRE (Liberal Democrat Campaign for Race Equality) to try and fix this issue.
We’re working to develop a new “BAME Officer” role and overhaul our existing diversity system to ensure it encompasses and represents all liberation groups.