Daily View 2×2: 1 May 2020

It’s got to be admitted that April was… interesting. The world has been turned upside down somewhat, and what we thought we knew is now uncertain. And, as the lockdown goes on, and the elections that many of us had expected are delayed, what does May have in store?

2 big stories

There will be a plan for a return to work and for schools to reopen by next week, according to the Prime Minister. But will the public be willing to do so, given the levels of support for the lockdown and for social distancing? You can open an office building or a factory, but can people reach it safely?

The Job Retention Scheme has now been live for nearly two weeks, and the Self Employed Income Support Scheme is due to go live on 13 May. The gaps in the former are beginning to emerge – new starters, company directors, those whose income includes a significant proportion of tips, to name but three. Can Rishi Sunak come up with something to help them, and at what further price?

2 social media posts

Now don’t get me wrong, just because I’m including this doesn’t mean that I’m going soft on Labour – I spent too many years in the London suburbs fighting them for that – but Labour List have published an interesting piece on the route to a Starmer-led government in 2024. It’s interesting because the author sees the more likely option as a minority government or coalition. In that scenario, Thomas Prosser thinks that we’d gain twenty seats. See if you agree with him…

The House of Commons will soon be having virtual divisions and today saw the first test of the new system. It wasn’t without hiccups, but Tim Farron saw an opportunity to be awkward…

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  • R A Underhill 1st May '20 - 9:29am

    BBC1 Breakfast is showing a woman who was celebrating VE Day (Victory in Europe, not yet in Japan). She w as told that they did not need to go to work, there was free travel on the tube, so they “went up west” (presumably from the East End of London (which had been heavily bombed and also been at risk of V1 and V2 missiles targeted at London by the Fuhrer from occupied countries such as Belgium and Holland until Allied armed forces arrived)) . She was not at Dover, so she did not mention Blue Birds over the white cliffs (Vera Lynn song) nor “I’m going to get lit up when the lights go on in London”) (There was a beer shortage.)
    The photo graph appeared in Picture Post magazine and on a postage stamp, which she did not believe. She said she is (currently) in good health.
    There was no mention of the King’s message, which Queen Elizabeth will echo.
    Quick quiz: what were the terms?
    Unconditional surrender, proposed by the US President.
    Hitler had chosen Admiral Doenitz as his successor, who was not expecting this promotion, and gave authorisation.
    The terms prevented the lengthy negotiations which had followed World War One. were agreed by FDR, Churchill and Stalin, but added about one year to WW2.

  • Yes.We have to plan for the FUTURE. A new Leader,MODERN ways of administering/running/contacting/voting/etc New policies for the future have to be produced,local alliances made to win seats. I know in times like these people clutch at straws, the olden days (nostalgia). However the World moves on and the voter needs HOPE that the future will be brighter. We must lead in that direction.

  • Peter Hirst 2nd May '20 - 11:55am

    Our system of governance is ill suited for emergencies such as Covid. With trust at a low level, many see every decision being as much political as empirical. We need either a radical change in our governance to a more collaborative style or the formation of a government of national unity to restore trust in these political decisions.

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