The Lib Dem MP for Dunbartonshire East has submitted herself to a gruelling grilling at the hands of the readers of the Independent.
Among the questions – such taxing ones “that thing you just did, isn’t it a huge waste of time?” – “no”; “don’t you think you were too young to be an MP?” – “no”; and “who’s your bestest friend in all the Lib Dems?” – I will leave you to visit the story yourself to see the thrilling answer.
Amongst the questions there are some better thought out ones and some interesting answers, so it’s well worth five mins of your time.
Well done Jo, great set of answers that make some really good points even if some of the questions and indeed questioners are disingenuous and condescending… Wonder what they want to hear from their leected representatives – maybe some would be happy with more Alan Duncans… what is he there for? Personally I favour MPs who show that they think about issues and people differently and have views they can articulate.
The answer to the question about Lembit Opik is hilarious. I want to know what his answer is!
Pleased to see Jo is thinking about a post-consumer economy.
Is she now paying for her own make up?
Pity she dodged the question about Vince versus Groucho. I think I’ll go off in a huff. If that’s too soon …
John,she always was, do you pay for yours?
Good God! If that’s the standard of questions from Indy readers …………………