… We’d say a big thank you to the 33,686 ‘absolute unique visitors’* who read Liberal Democrat Voice in January.
That’s a small decrease compared to our Jan. ’10 figure of c.38,000, but then February is a shorter month – and we are up over 40% on the equivalent figure for Feb ‘09 of c.24,000.
This brings our absolute unique visitor readership for the last year to date (1 March 2009 – 28 Feb 2010) to 316,939, almost 40% higher than the equivalent figure for 2008-09 of 228,076.
The 5 top-read stories during the month were:
1. Clegg sacks Jenny Tonge (75) by The Voice
2. What happened to the 19 Conservative MPs who voted to keep MPs’ expenses secret? (11) by Mark Pack
3. Luciana Berger hit by yet more Labour infighting in Liverpool Wavertree (3) by Mark Pack
4. How can we sell the Single Transferable Vote to the public? (40) by Stephen Tall
5. +++ Exclusive general election prediction: too close to call (9) by Mark Pack
And the top 5 traffic sources for Lib Dem Voice in January were:
- Guido Fawkes
- Lib Dem Blogs aggregator
- Iain Dale
Whether you’re a regular here, or an occasional ‘popper-by’, we’re delighted you looked in.
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* Google Analytics’ term: it broadly means people using almost 300,000 different computers visited LDV at least once. Some people may be counted more than once (eg, home and work computer),whilst some people may not be counted (eg, two different people use the same computer, or someone reads the site through a feed reader without ever actually visiting it).