… We’d say a big thank you to the 26,160 ‘absolute unique visitors’* who read Liberal Democrat Voice in March, our second highest total ever, and a whopping 67% increase on a year ago.
This brings our absolute unique visitor readership for the last year to date (1 April 2008 – 31 March 2009) to 236,786, an increase of 124% on the equivalent figure for 2007-08 of 105,520.
The 5 top-read stories during the month were:
1. Join the campaign to Shred John Prescott’s £1.5m Pension
2. Why Mark Pack’s awaiting a visit from Special Branch
3. Eating a vegetarian meal = suspicious terrorist activity
4. Opinion: Losing faith in the Lib Dems
5. Is Dawn Butler panicking?
Whether you’re a regular here, or an occasional ‘popper-by’, we’re delighted you looked in. And if you enjoy reading LDV, why not try writing for LDV?
* Google Analytics’ term: it broadly means people using over 26,000 different computers visited LDV at least once. Some people may be counted more than once (eg, home and work computer),whilst some people may not be counted (eg, two different people use the same computer, or someone reads the site through a feed reader without ever actually visiting it).
Now you have made this a regular feature, is it not perhaps a good time to drop the first part of the title? It was clever the first time you did stats as a one off….. But now you do do stat porn – regularly.
I’m sure now that I have mentioned it you will doggedly cling to the title.
I was clinging doggedly to the title anyway, Paul 🙂