Great news from Durham. Liberal Democrat Councillor Amanda Hopgood has taken over as Durham County Council leader after Labour lost their majority (and 21 seats) in May’s local elections.
From the BBC:
The alliance, made up of Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, independents and a Green councillor, officially took over at the council’s annual meeting on Wednesday.
Ms Hopgood, who leads the Liberal Democrat group, said she was “honoured and privileged” to have been elected leader.
She said: “County Durham is a fantastic place, not just for those of us who live here, but also those who choose to work, visit and invest in the area.
“I am looking forward to working in partnership with my colleagues from other groups to achieve our common goal of ensuring our county is able to prosper.”
She said the first priority would be the “ongoing recovery” from the coronavirus pandemic.
Good luck to the new administration.
As one of Amanda’s colleagues I should highlight that Labour had run Durham County Council for 102 years until yesterday. Such control led to absolute contempt for every non Labour councillor. A new beginning for the people of my area at last. There might be progressive alliances with Labour in the south of England on some councils but in Durham Labour was, and is, the problem when you want progressive politics.
Also news tonight that Spelthorne Borough Council in Surrey has a Lib Dem led administration for the first time.
Spelthorne Council’s twitter account has tweeted that Lib Dem Cllr Lawrence Nichols was elected the council’s leader at today’s council AGM.
Surrey Live reported that last June – 6 Conservatives left the Tories – thus according to Surrey Live depriving the Conservatives on the council of their overall majority for the first time.