Over at The Guardian’s Comment is Free website, Lib Dem MP and party presidential hopeful Tim Farron writes about his aim to inspire members to be proud of our party and work hard for elections and for the referendum. Here’s an excerpt:
When I read people telling us that this coalition government is “turning the clock back to the 1980s” because of the cuts, I know that this is witless rubbish – but I’ll be honest with you, those barbs really hurt me. I was brought up by a single mum, in significant poverty in Lancashire in Thatcher’s Britain. I went to a comprehensive near Preston. I respect our Conservative colleagues (just as I respect Labour politicians) and passionately believe in pluralistic politics that leads to people who are ideologically very different working together for the good of the country. But I am a radical Liberal, a progressive and a product of my background. …
My job as president will be to be an unwavering supporter of Nick in his role, to be a critical friend of the coalition, and to get out there and make clear what the Liberal Democrats are for – why we are distinct from the coalition, why you should vote for us, why you should join us, why the Liberal Democrats should not just be a junior partner in government, but a party that can aspire to power in our own right.
If that’s the kind of president you want, I’m all yours.
You can read Tim’s article in full here.
There are currently four candidates who’ve publicly declared their intention of running for party president: Tim Farron, Susan Kramer, Jennie Rigg and Jason Zadozny.