Tag Archives: free trade agreement

Why the Conservative Party can no longer be considered the natural party of business

Our market economy is certainly far from fair but as a result of a series of poor Government decisions, it is going to get a whole lot worse, for businesses and private citizens. The Conservative Party has often been considered the natural party of business, but a raft of policy outcomes on the horizon means this may no longer be the case.

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Brexit, our Party`s Future and CANZUK (Canada, New Zealand, Australia and UK)

CANZUK and dependencies

On Friday the UK left the European Union and has now entered a transitional period, intended to develop a trade agreement with the EU and other areas in the world. I feel, therefore, that it is important to discuss what our party should be doing moving forward, and can see that there will be a good deal of debate over this and the options, most likely: rejoin as soon as possible, rejoin after a time or other alternatives. Here, I shall make the argument for the latter case and chiefly examine what I believe to be our next best option, a CANZUK (Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the UK) Agreement.

Posted in Op-eds | Also tagged and | 39 Comments

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  • Roland
    @ Nonconformistradical Agree it’s a conundrum. Basically, the plans and thus the houses were sold on the “vision” of all the facilities being in place, ...
  • David Evans
    Oh yes and Apologies. In my drive to come within the 250 word count I forgot to mention the vast numbers of Iraqi citizens who died as well and the catastrophe...
  • David Evans
    Hi Amin, like you and like Samuel, I am a Lib Dem who believes in liberal democracy and localism. In addition I have been around long enough to know that democ...
  • Nonconformistradical
    ""they have repeatedly come up with development schemes which don’t satisfy the intent of the original plans and section 106 agreement, signed some 25+ years ...
  • Roland
    @Mohammed Amin "I fail to understand the basis for Samuel Jackson’s objections." Location? Round me we have campaigned against many things because of th...