Tag Archives: joe harris

Lib Dems enjoy not feeling sad after election.

It’s just past 2am the 5th May and we’re already seeing some impressive results coming in for Lib Dems all over the country! In many places even where we aren’t winning we’re seeing good increases in vote shares even in the face of lower turnouts which really speaks to the hard work being done by activists all over the country. The BBC is reporting we’re up 2% in their key wards overall, 3% in high remain voting levels and 0.5% in high leave remaining areas with 189 of 792 counted

While a lot of counts aren’t happening until the morning we at LDV at far too excitable/masochistic/nerdy to wait that long so join us in celebrating some of our early wins!

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Violent attack on teenager makes him stand for local council

This is Gloucestershire reports:

WHEN teenager Joe Harris was viciously mugged by a hooded gang he elected to take on the establishment.

The 17-year-old was battered to the ground and threatened with death in a Cirencester alley.

So he personally challenged Cotswold District Council to accept there was a problem with “random violent attacks” in the town.

As a follow up he’s decide to run for both the district council and the local town council, saying:

I was able to pose a question to the full council but I felt they didn’t really answer it.

It was almost as if they slapped me away with the

Posted in Local government and News | Also tagged | 4 Comments

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  • Roland
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