Never let it be said that we’re on message here, but I really ought to remind you that, if you are due to file a Self Assessment tax return, and you haven’t, the deadline is coming up fast…
Public Service Announcement complete, welcome to another Monday of drama and passion. Alright, I may be exaggerating just a bit, but the fun really starts this week, as the EU Withdrawal Bill reaches the House of Lords, where the Government have to find a way of getting the Bill past an unfriendly chamber. Remember, the combined forces of the Labour and Liberal Democrat benches outnumber those of the Government, although with Labour still attempting to play both sides against the middle, anything may happen. As Ben Stoneham noted last week though, this week’s Second Reading is mostly an opportunity to see where the likely issues are, although don’t rule out the possibility of votes, unusual though that might be.
What else do we have for you?
Tahir Maher is back with more thoughts on how we might build a recovery for the Party, and we have our Party President, Sal Brinton, writing about the link between transgender rights and our Party’s values.
I’ll be covering the Lords again, as well as responding to earlier pieces on how this site works and might work. It’s interesting to find out what you think, and important to respond to that.