Lib Dem Voice has an affinity deal with Amazon, which means if you purchase goods from Amazon via our link, Lib Dem Voice earns a small commission. We don’t get to know about people’s individual orders, but Amazon does report overall sales and these show that the five best-sellers to our readers in 2011 were:
1. The British General Election of 2010 (reviewed here)
2. 22 Days in May by David Laws (reviewed here)
3. Peace, Reform and Liberation: A history of liberal politics in Britain 1679-2011 (watch the book launch with Paddy Ashdown and Shirley Williams here)
4. Don’t Take No For an Answer (reviewed here and also here)
5. = Nick Clegg: The Biography (reviewed here)
5.= The Clegg Coup: Britain’s First Coalition Government Since Lloyd George (reviewed here)
And the most prosaic item? Surely it is this.
More reviews are very welcome. If you read a political book in 2012, why not turn your hand to a short review for this site too? Details of how to submit a post are on the Write for us page.
A quick plug again for that affinity link to Amazon. If you click on the link and purchase items, you don’t get charged anything extra but we get a cut. Lib Dem Voice is the only one of the equivalent sites for the main parties that doesn’t have millionaire or trade union funding. Instead we are dependent on sources of income such as this. (OK, the readers get the hint – Ed.)
* Mark Pack is Party President and is the editor of Liberal Democrat Newswire.
One Comment
Thanks. I’ve been looking for somewhere to buy coat hangers!