I fully understand why the party leadership is consulting on ideas to broaden our support.
I am a lifelong Liberal and want our party to be founded on Liberal values. But I never want it to be a purist sect.
I also understand the concerns that offering free association to registered supporters might devalue party membership.
However membership confers the knowledge that we are offering core funding to the party and we can help shape policy and stand for and participate in internal elections and become an election candidate.
I believe we have to be realistic. Our support has fallen to single figures in spite of standing united for what at least 40 per cent of voters want on Brexit.
We all know that the high levels of support for the two larger parties is mostly based on the negative reality of our outdated voting system.
While both have core support around half of their voters are motivated by fear and hatred of “the other lot”.
So Conservative voters are in fear or hatred of the prospect of a Communist-led Labour Government or, in large parts of Scotland, sick fed up with the indy-obsessive incompetent SNP.
Many Labour voters are sick of the self-serving, arrogant, selfish xenophobia of the current Government and want rid of them.
For these voters the Liberal Democrats are a weak irrelevance and an indulgence they cannot afford even if they recognise we more closely identify with their own views.
Yes, where we can connect in local by elections and the few constituencies where we retain credibility we can cut through, but to take us back to where we were, let alone break through to Government, requires us to become insurgent challengers ready to take on all comers and unite the voices of reason.