The headline “two new MPs so far in this Parliament” is a welcome one. Winning, especially winning with record swings, is what we all want.
Underneath the headline is a lot of hard work, plenty of tough decisions, and a drive to improve. We should all be thankful to our activists, staff and supporters.
It is clear to me that the diagnosis and recommendations my team and I set out after the 2019 disaster were right, and that they are being taken seriously. Not least among them was that a Federal Board of 41 members cannot, and should not, be the clear leadership team we need to steer our party and help us all win elections. Something of that size is a talking shop, and talking shops are neither democratic nor effective.
I therefore welcome the Federal Board’s motion to Spring Conference setting out options for reforming the structure of the Board.
My thanks to those who took part in the supporting consultation, collectively you have been clear that it is time for change. The feedback was crucial in helping the Board refine our options to a sensible number for consideration. With limited time, not all ideas could be brought to the floor.
Conference is being asked to choose between three options for change, and then finally between reform and the status quo.
As you can see (below) from the proposed set-up of a new Board, the options deliberately ensure key voices from across the party – geographically, demographically and in other respects – are built in.
I am pleased that the reform options presented address the concerns highlighted in my review. The options provide for a smaller, more nimble leadership team.
They also retain the democratic selection we cherish while clarifying responsibilities, individual and collective.
I see in these options a chance to better encourage cooperation. To build a real leadership team. Only when we have that team can our leaders be held collectively accountable by members: currently a missing ingredient.
That accountability makes for a better democracy for members. Too much power, now, is wielded outside of our official structures, and so outside of accountability.
I look forward to a rigorous, healthy debate at Conference. This is a complex question and I will be listening hard to colleagues and friends to help make my own decision. My principles will be democracy, accountability, electability, and not letting the best be the enemy of the good.
Organisational change is not easy. For us, though, it is necessary.
Do see below for a quick summary of the options coming, in more detail, to Spring Conference.